You can relax evening time with the nice ambiance, which is provided by underwater lights on the water after sun goes down. You can get relief and enjoy with the view of water. And exciting appearance is given by underwater light to your boat especially when you drive it in dark water. It is easy to install the underwater lights – you can do this on your own.
There are few instructions to follow, such as:
- First purchase marine quality underwater LED lights – two or three units. It is better to have at least two, you can use third one for extra effects. Make sure that underwater lights are durable in high-stress environment. It is important to use good quality marine lights.
- Later choose the areas on your transform to install the each side light. You can install the LED lights directly over the inside corner of the each trim tab, if there are trim tabs in your boat. You can install the middle lights directly between a pair of outboards, or just to side of the single outboard. The place you have chosen must have access to the inside of the boat.
- Put down the bracket against the outside of the transform and mark the screw holes by using a marker. Make a hole. Make sure that there are no wires, stringers or equipment that block the desired area while drilling a hole. Make a 3/8th inch hole to run the wiring for the Led lights into boat’s interior. Make holes where there are screw marks.
- Provide light application for all needed units and run the wires up the side of the boat. Make the wires connect to the navigation lights switch at the helm.
In this way you can install the underwater lights on a boat, which provides a beauty to your boat.