Category Archives: Health

Is Yoga Better than the Workouts at Gym?

There is an on going debate on whether a high intensity workout at gym is better or simple yogic postures are more helpful. Experts in the respective fields often tend to highlight their own styles since they have strong belief and in depth knowledge on what they teach and what they practice. However, when seen… Read More »

What are the Painful Effects of Braces?

In orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist uses the braces for fixing the teeth in order to straighten, fill gaps between the teeth of orthodontic patients. Orthodontic patients are the people who have irregularities in their teeth. These irregularities can be removed by the orthodontic devices called braces. Orthodontic braces help the patient look beautiful with nice… Read More »

Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana refers to the use of parts of a herb called cannabis as recommended by the physician. It was proved that the use of this herb found effective in curing certain ailments and hence the herbs used to cure some diseases are termed as medical marijuana. However, in some states the use of medical… Read More »